The impact of coronavirus outbreak started in China last December is bringing more and more problems and companies suffer from direct consequences brought by preventive measures such as closing schools, cancelling events, forbidding business trips… In this context, Glowbl is playing a key role for all companies and schools to maintain their activity.
Virtual classrooms to keep on teaching and learning
While thousand French students already face their school being closed, others are preparing to do so. Is France (and Europe) ready to deal with such situation and enable teachers to teach remotely using digital tools? What’s for sure is that the EdTech network offers many solutions such as Glowbl. The French association EdTech France regroupe gathers more than 240 innovative companies that successfully run digital projects.
Cyber-Classe for instance, is a 100% virtual school that brings secondary classes to young people who can no longer take part in a traditional system. Virtual classrooms are held on a daily basis: languages, mathematics, philosophy… in real time between teachers and pupils, within a highly realistic environment. Rooms are customized and offer an intuitive experience focused on human interactions.
Virtual offices to improve home office
Muriel Pénicaud, French Minister of Labor has called to “adapt working conditions, through telecommuting or sick leave” in order to reduce the risks linked to the Covid-19 breakout. As a matter of fact, the article L1222-11 of the French Labour Law states that, “In the case of exceptional circumstances, particularly when faced with the threat of an epidemic, or in the case of force majeure, implementation of telecommuting may be considered as a necessary modification of a person’s workstation to ensure continuity of a company’s business and guarantee employee protection”.
Such measures can be really efficient as long as they adapt to employees’ needs. Even remotely, they need to interact with their colleagues, clients and external partners. They have to count on video conferencing tools and also content sharing features to organize team meeting, brainstorm, manage project and even hold client meetings.
The urgent nature of the current situation calls for flexible solutions, such as Glowbl that can be accessed directly through the browser. The French company based in Lyon has set up a process to roll out virtual rooms for team members who can join, during the crisis, from a virtual office.
Events going online
Events are being cancelled one after the other, starting with world-class shows such as the Mobile World Congress or the AWS Summit.
Smaller events are cancelled too. They may be smaller, but they are still essential for companies: internal conferences, professional training sessions sold by training centers, seminars, etc.
During several years with Big Data Paris, Glowbl already tested online tradeshows with interactive webinars between exhibitors and their audience. In terms of training, training center Comundi already uses virtual classrooms on Glowbl to digitize some sessions and expand its offer.
Without installing any software nor plugin, it is possible to create virtual classrooms and deploy them quickly within companies, schools and universities.
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