Have you ever felt the need to really understand why you do what you do at work? That’s what the Liberating Structures 9 Why’s method is for. By asking the...
Word cloud: definition and use The word cloud is a visual tool for displaying the most frequently used words in a text or set of texts. These words are displayed...
In the professional world, you get tons of advice. But without thinking it through, applying it can sometimes cause more harm than good. The Precautions activity, developed by Thiagi, is...
The PDCA or Deming wheel method, also known as the Deming cycle. It is a four-stage iterative model used for the control and continuous improvement of processes and products. This...
Are you looking for a fun, interactive method to energise your ideation workshops and engage your participants? The “Letters and Numbers” method, developed by Thiagi, is perfect for you. Designed...
Are you looking for an innovative and engaging way to analyse your team’s training needs? Collaborative Opening, based on the Thiagi games, is exactly what you need! This method allows...
A satisfaction questionnaire is a powerful tool for understanding your customers’ needs and expectations. By gathering feedback, you can improve your products, services and overall customer satisfaction. In this article,...
In the world of agility, workshops are essential tools to improve collaboration and team performance. Among these workshops, the Speed Boat Agile stands out for its efficiency and simplicity. In...
The Fishbowl method is a facilitation technique. Imagine yourself in a large aquarium, surrounded by fish swimming freely, exchanging ideas and sharing experiences. That’s what the Fishbowl method is all...
What is one to one? The one-to-one interview is a regular meeting between a manager and a member of his or her team. The aim of this one-to-one meeting is...