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Feedback: “Why aren’t large European firms curious enough to try European solutions like Glowbl?”

BrainPerception is a training organisation that offers tailor-made services to support businesses in their transformation projects: training, coaching, facilitation, intelligence collection, repositioning, and new methods of collaborative working. In 2020, its founder Valentine Viard started using Glowbl virtual classrooms. Here, she gives us her feedback.

An empowering training tool that boosts learning

Valentine was originally looking for a solution to help her organise a remote event. Then, she discovered Glowbl virtual classrooms and immediately realised the benefits it could bring to her work at BrainPerception. She loved the bubbles (participants) straightaway. “I was impressed, I thought it was a great way to involve and engage participants. You can see who is really attending. When you suggest moving from one table to another, you can see straightaway who isn’t moving around and, therefore, who is no longer listening or need help. It is very empowering and I had never seen that on any other platform imposed by companies.”

The facilitator also likes the intuitive feel of our virtual classrooms. “Unlike on Zoom, where you plan a title, a time, etc., on Glowbl you create permanent spaces. For example, for one of my moving towards agility solutions, I set up two rooms: one for leader profiles and one for director profiles. The links are always the same and the concept of having rooms that are there for the long term sends a different message than short-lived appointments.”

Valentine Viard has also got to grips with the room customisation tools. “It is also a way to market my training solutions. Having a customised room with a title, wallpaper, and an identity is appealing and provides landmarks. It gives grounding to the training plan, which is not a trivial matter under current circumstances when remote working tends to encourage indifference.”

Further reading: Continuity of learning: what is at stake?

A solution in line with new collaborative working methods

Glowbl virtual spaces are perfectly in line with BrainPerception’s business and the solutions Valentine provides her clients. “The way the rooms are organised, with several tables in a single environment, enables us to switch to sub-group work very intuitively and autonomously. You can see the room, your participants, the way they move around, their interaction… And it suits agile working methods! Which are regularly used but not well represented.”

“In a Glowbl room, I can join a table where I immediately have all rights (speaking and handling content), and am in an agile position. I can participate cooperatively and in a smooth and automatic manner. It is totally in line with collaborative working methods.”

A “made in Europe” choice to support national expertise and safeguard data

Before the pandemic, BrainPerception provided a solution that was pertinent to businesses. Today, it is even more relevant due to social distancing and our need to re-establish ties. So, when Valentine’s business acquaintances ask her what platform she uses for training purposes, she is proud to talk about her European tools, particularly Glowbl. “I am intrigued to see large European firms using Adobe, Teams or Zoom, without being curious enough to try European solutions like Glowbl.” She is also surprised that European training organisations don’t seem to be able to make the switch to European platforms. “Why don’t they seek out our national know-how? And as well as our know-how, what about data storage and regulations? I work with banks, public institutions, with very sensitive data. If their data is hosted in the United States, for example, do they know the laws governing that country, or the conditions that apply to data use?” That is why Valentine also wanted to find a solution with servers in Europe, complying with regulations set by the French National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (CNIL).

“I am lucky to work with European companies and European tools, so why not blow our own trumpet a bit by promoting these companies and supporting them through this difficult time?”

Glowbl offers an innovative solution and options tailored to your needs. To find out more, please contact the Glowbl team.

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