How can digital innovation be used to deploy differentiated teaching? Adecco Les 2Rives Illustration Adecco Les2Rives: How can we meet the needs of a geographically dispersed cohort of learners with...
At the same time as the laptop and the high-speed Internet connection, videoconferencing has experienced a meteoric rise over the last 15 years, accelerated by the Covid crisis and our...
The context : The Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger (AEFE) is a public body responsible for connecting French schools abroad. With COP 28 taking place at the end of...
As we all know, the success of a training course or meeting depends on how it gets off the ground. How do you form a group ? How do you...
Background : Every year, the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL) wants to offer first-aid training to the 2,000 students entering its IUT program, in partnership with the SDMIS and,...
Innovating in training in 2023 often means hybridizing training courses. This challenges the habits of many trainers and learners! Even when the desire of innovating in training is present, resistance...
“No organization today can envision work without providing flexibility to its employees while stimulating collaboration” says Sophie Lazard, CEO of edtech Glowbl. In the era of collective intelligence and project-based...
Our latest Peer to Peer Live session brought together digital learning managers and training directors who discussed workplace agility. The workshop was facilitated by Xavier Van Dieren, CEO of
Considered a key moment in the year, the period of annual appraisals enables managers and employees to discuss strong points, areas for improvement, skills, and targets for the coming year....
Boosting productivity, improving efficiency… Many studies have shown that working from home can be beneficial to both employees and businesses. However, it can disrupt team cohesion, particularly among those used...