Sample satisfaction questionnaire

A satisfaction questionnaire is a powerful tool for understanding your customers’ needs and expectations. By gathering feedback, you can improve your products, services and overall customer satisfaction. In this article, we will guide you through the essential steps for creating an effective customer satisfaction questionnaire.

Why conduct a satisfaction survey?

Satisfaction questionnaires are crucial for :

  • Measure customer satisfaction: Understand what is working and what needs to be improved.
  • Improve products and services: Identify weak points and optimise your offerings.
  • Build customer loyalty: Show your customers that their opinions count and use their feedback to offer them a better experience.

Steps for creating a satisfaction questionnaire

Define your objectives

Before creating your questionnaire, clearly define what you want to achieve. Do you want to evaluate a specific product, measure the quality of customer service, or understand your customers’ general expectations?

Choose the right questions

Questions should be precise and relevant. Here are some common types of question:

  • Multiple choice questions: Easy to analyse, they offer predefined options.
  • Likert scales: Evaluate the degree of satisfaction on a scale (for example, from 1 to 5).
  • Open questions: Allow customers to express their opinions freely.

Structuring the questionnaire

Organise your questions logically:

  • Introduction: Explain the purpose of the questionnaire and the approximate duration.
  • Main questions: Start with general questions and then move on to specific ones.
  • Conclusion: Thank the participants and indicate the next steps, if applicable.

Testing the questionnaire

Before distributing it, test your questionnaire with a small group to identify any problems of understanding or structure.

Distributing the Questionnaire

Use several channels to maximise the response rate:

  • Email: Send the questionnaire to your mailing list.
  • Social networks: Share the link on your social platforms.
  • Website: Integrate the questionnaire directly into your website.

Analysing the results

Once the responses have been collected, analyse the data to identify trends and areas for improvement. Use analysis tools to facilitate this process.

Act on feedback

Customer feedback is invaluable. Use this information to make concrete improvements to your products and services.

What is the purpose of a satisfaction questionnaire?

The main objective of a satisfaction questionnaire is to gather precise and relevant information about customers’ experience and perceptions of a product, service or company. This information is crucial for several reasons:

Measuring Customer Satisfaction

The questionnaire makes it possible to quantify the level of customer satisfaction, to understand their degree of satisfaction and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current offering.

Identifying needs and expectations

By asking specific questions, the company can better understand customers’ needs, expectations and preferences, which is essential for aligning products and services with their requirements.

Improve products and services

Customer feedback helps to identify aspects of products or services that require improvement. This includes missing features, quality issues, or elements that need to be optimised.

Strengthen Customer Loyalty

By demonstrating that the company cares about its customers’ opinions and acting accordingly, customer loyalty and retention can be improved. Customers feel listened to and valued, which strengthens their commitment to the brand.

Identifying Training and Development Opportunities

For service companies, satisfaction questionnaires can reveal areas where staff could benefit from additional training to better meet customer expectations.

Evaluate the effectiveness of marketing and sales strategies

Satisfaction questionnaires can help measure the impact of marketing campaigns, promotions and sales initiatives. They can help to identify what has worked well and what needs to be adjusted.

Make informed decisions

Data gathered from questionnaires provides valuable insights for making decisions based on facts, not assumptions. This includes strategic decisions about developing new products, improving existing services, or adjusting company policies.

Benchmarking and Competitive Analysis

By comparing the results of satisfaction questionnaires with those of competitors or industry standards, the company can identify where it stands in relation to the market and identify opportunities for improvement or innovation.

Valuing Customer Opinion

Finally, satisfaction questionnaires show customers that their opinion is valued. This can improve the company’s image and strengthen the relationship of trust with its customers.

In short, the aim of a satisfaction questionnaire is to provide the company with the information it needs to continually improve its products, services and customer relations, while aligning its offerings with customers’ real needs and expectations.

How do you design a satisfaction questionnaire?

Building an effective satisfaction questionnaire requires careful planning to ensure that you obtain relevant and usable information.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you create a satisfaction questionnaire:

Define the objectives of the questionnaire

Before you start writing your questions, clarify what you want to achieve with your questionnaire:

  • What aspects of the product or service do you want to evaluate?
  • Are you looking to identify specific problems or obtain general feedback?

Identify the target audience

Determine who your questionnaire is aimed at:

  • Current customers
  • Potential customers
  • Users of a specific product or service

Choose the type of questions

Vary the types of questions to obtain detailed answers:

  • Closed questions: Yes/No, multiple choice, Likert scales.
  • Open questions: To obtain detailed qualitative answers.

Structuring the questionnaire

Organise the questionnaire into logical sections to guide respondents:

  • Introduction: Explain the purpose of the questionnaire and the approximate length.
  • General Information: Demographic or frequency of use questions.
  • Product/Service Quality: Assess overall satisfaction.
  • Customer Service: Measure the efficiency and courtesy of customer support.
  • User Experience: Ask about the ease of use of your interfaces.
  • Value and Price: Evaluate the quality/price ratio.
  • Loyalty and Recommendation: Check the intention to recommend or return.
  • Suggestions and Improvements: Get ideas for improving your offers.

Write Clear and Precise Questions

Formulate questions that are easy to understand:

  • Use simple, direct language.
  • Avoid questions that are biased or have double meanings.
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Include relevant answer options

For closed questions, provide relevant answer options:

  • Multiple choice: Cover all possibilities.
  • Likert scales: Use a scale from 1 to 5 or 1 to 7 to measure the intensity of feelings.

Testing the Questionnaire

Before distributing it widely, test your questionnaire with a small group to identify potential problems:

  • Revise ambiguous or misunderstood questions.
  • Adjust the length of the questionnaire if necessary.

Distributing the Questionnaire

Choose the distribution channels best suited to your target audience:

  • Email: Send to your distribution list.
  • Social networks: Share on your social platforms.
  • Website: Integrate the questionnaire into your website.

Analysing the results

Use analysis tools to interpret the data collected:

  • Identify trends and areas for improvement.
  • Use graphs and tables to visualise the results.

Acting on feedback

Turn feedback into concrete actions to improve your products/services:

Make changes based on customer feedback.
Communicate the improvements made to your customers to show that their opinions count.


A well-designed customer satisfaction questionnaire can turn customer feedback into growth opportunities. By following these steps, you can create an effective questionnaire that will help you understand and improve your customers’ experience.

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