Codev or Troïka Consulting, rely on collective intelligence !

Relying on the group to solve a problem is generally a good solution. The group often holds the key, but you need to know how to stimulate collective intelligence. Codev and Troïka Consulting are two different methods for doing this. 

When is it best to facilitate one or the other? All you need to know about these two highly effective approaches is in this article!

Codev, a powerful peer-to-peer collective intelligence method

What is it for ? 

Solving problems by exchanging and sharing experiences among peers. The group can meet on a regular basis or organize a one-off to do this. However, only one problem is solved per session.

How does it work ? 

A peer group of 5 to 12 people meets for 1h15 to 1h30 in a 6-step workshop :

1. The opening 

Group members introduce themselves or discuss developments since the previous session.

2. Topic selection 

Each member of the group proposes a subject that questions him or her, then the group chooses the subject on which to work during the session. From then on, the person whose topic has been chosen will be the client, and the others will become the consultants.

3. Exploring the subject 

The customer explains the subject, the difficulties and the issues at stake.

4. Clarification 

The consultants rephrase the customer’s needs and the customer clarifies his or her request.

5. Consultation 

In turn, the consultants share their individual experiences and make suggestions to the customer. 

6. Synthesis and learning 

The customer sorts through the ideas and draws up an action plan to solve the problem.

7. Feedback 

Participants take stock of the session and share their feelings.

Codev benefits :

The customer, who should be able to draw up his own roadmap for solving his problem at the end of the workshop, benefits from pragmatic help

In order to help the customer, the consultant participants, who contribute with their own solutions and share their vision and experience on similar issues, are encouraged to work on how the subject resonates in their own lives. 

With active listening, mutual support in work situations and individual expertise, dissemination of best practices for the whole group, Codev is an opportunity to learn something and to progress.

Troïka Consulting, an express collective intelligence method for colleagues.

What is it for ? 

Getting immediate, practical and creative help from your colleagues. The Troika method is one of the 33 Liberating Structures methods.

How does it work ? 

3 colleagues meet-up for a workshop that lasts 30 to 45 minutes. 3 sub-workshops of 7 to 10 minutes each are organized. They are divided into 5 stages :

1. Presentation of the problem : 

The first customer participant outlines his or her difficulty (1-2 minutes).

2. Clarification :

The two consultants ask clarifying questions (2-3 minutes). 

3. Consultation :

The customer turns around. Both consultants give advice to the customer. (4-5 minutes).

4. Feedback : 

Customer turns back to face, thanks consultants and outlines what he/she has taken away from the advice (1-2 minutes).

5. Change of sub-workshop :

The second customer participant presents his difficulty, and so on…

Troika benefits : 

While the solutions proposed are sometimes not as in-depth as with the Codev method, thanks to the Troïka structure everyone can leave with solutions and benefit from a moment of mutual support. It helps everyone to take a step back and approach a problem from different angles.

Conclusion !

Codev or Troïka Consulting, these two methods share the same objective : to solve a problem. They are also based on the same principle: one person brings in his or her problem, the others provide advice without the customer commenting on it, and finally, the customer selects the solutions that seem relevant to him or her.

How much time do you have ? 

Are you looking for a quick fix or a more in-depth solution ? 

Can you put together a group of 10 people, or would you prefer to form one or more small groups of 3 ? 

Answering these questions will enable you to choose between one or other method, best suited to your constraints and needs. 

Our advice : test both approaches, appreciate the effectiveness of collective intelligence and collaborative methods, and run both Codev and Troika workshops on Glowbl! 

Good to know : thanks to the sub-groups set up in tables, you can run several Troïka Consulting workshops at the same time.

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