Claire Blondel, President of the association Ecole pour demain and Alex Bonnel, mediator for documentary resources and services for Réseau Canopé, discovered Glowbl thanks to EdTech Lyon and chose it to facilitate a World Café online for teachers. Here’s their feedback on this 100% digital educational workshop.
Organising a World Café online to cocreate remotely
The association École pour demain and the public operator Réseau Canopé both aim to support and advise educational actors on educational resources, practices and tools, particularly through workshops. “In 2021, our wish was to facilitate a World Café in real life to connect the teachers with each other and allow them to exchange and share the methods and tools they set up during the Covid crisis. Health measures are still in place, so we went for an online format”, Claire Blondel says. She discovered Glowbl during a presentation speech within the EdTech Lyon network, and was immediately convinced. “We chose Glowbl for two main reasons. The first one is that it’s French (and from Lyon!). The second one is that it offers conditions that allow an online facilitation experience very close to real life.”
Related to Réseau Canopé who regularly organises similar events, École pour demain offered to co-host the World Café on Glowbl, which was accepted by Réseau Canopé, happy to experiment with a tool they also had spotted before.
Further reading: Collaborative workshop: running a World Café online, just like in real life
Customising the space and setting up the tables beforehand to make the live animation easier
École pour demain and Réseau Canopé organised their World Café by simply setting up tables, just like in real life.
“We used Glowbl as a virtual space. The main table was set as the welcome desk on which we broadcasted our presentation as introduction and conclusion to the workshop. We created a presentation slide with a room plan so the participants could split into the room onto their tables”, Claire states. “Four other tables were used by groups to work on four different topics, and we used the remaining four tables as libraries where the resources were available. Each workshop-table was facilitated by two mediators, and Claire navigated through the online space to help the participants who needed it” Alex explains.
To collect the teachers’ ideas and restitute them, “we used the collaborative note, the whiteboard and the integrated Miro tool with interactive boards”. Claire Blondel explains “As the timekeeper, I would send instant messages to all of the participants with the Presenter announcement tool every time the time ran out for them to change tables”.
Further reading: The importance of human relationships in making your training course a success
Collective intelligence workshops on Glowbl: an experience just like in real life
“Glowbl is an intuitive tool, it’s easy to get familiar with it. We started our session with ice-breakers by moving our bubbles around the space and the participants really liked it. It allowed them to get used to the tool in just a few minutes” Alex Bonnel says. He adds: “We previously tried hosting an online World Café using Microsoft Teams with the co-creation tool Miro. Excluded movement options due to restrictive link-sharing, risking participant drop-off during the session. We made sure to move the boards from one group to the others by changing their content.”
“Thanks to Glowbl, we only had to copy-paste the content we usually used in real-life sessions. The participants got to freely move around from one subgroup to another, within the same space. We waste a very little time in movements, and we get to make the most of the allocated time to be productive”, Claire Blondel states.
The organisers found the workshop successful and are considering making such events a regular occurrence.
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