A webinar is an effective way of generating leads for a company. As long as you avoid some simple mistakes. Find out what not to do before, during and after your webinar.
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DOWNLOAD OUR WHITE PAPERError 1: Choose the wrong subject
The first mistake to avoid for a successful webinar is the choice of subject you will be presenting to your audience. It needs to be relevant to your activity sector to establish your expertise and attract and widen your potential target group. Choose an eye-catching title to encourage people to sign up for the webinar.
Error 2: Choose the wrong time
The date and time of your webinar shouldn’t be left to chance. To make sure the webinar is a success, you should obviously avoid non-working days and late hours. The best times are late morning on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Remember to announce the webinar’s duration and stick to it.
Error 3: Not promoting your webinar
Once the title, subject and time of the webinar have been defined, you need to inform your target audience so they sign up. Promoting your webinar properly contributes to its success. Websites, newsletters, social media – get promoting as early as possible so that potential participants can sign up in time, and don’t forget to send out regular reminders before the date.
Error 4: Failing to anticipate problems
One of the webinar’s advantages is the low investment needed in terms of equipment. However, you need to make sure the equipment works properly before starting the webinar. Webcam, microphone, Internet connection, software – nothing should be left to chance. Your reputation depends on it. Carry out tests before the webinar to make sure everything works.
Good to know
The problems you should anticipate are not just technical. Think about the setting for your webinar. Is it noisy? Busy?
Further reading: All you need to know about online seminars
Error 5: Not taking enough care with the content
Your webinar will be showing a facet of your company. If your presentation is not polished enough, in terms of both form and content, you are exposing your weak points.
• Form
Avoid off-putting slides containing lots of text or spelling mistakes. Otherwise, all your presentation will convey is a lack of organisation and rigour in your ideas. Don’t limit yourself to slides. Add videos and photos – don’t hesitate to vary your content to make the session more original and lively.
• Content
The webinar must respond to the problem set out in the subject. If your presentation is too commercial and does not give precise answers, participants will not want to take part in your future webinars and will feel as if they have wasted their time. Instead of emphasising your products, promote your expertise by informing your audience.
Read more: Organising a webinar in 5 steps
Error 6: Not speaking well
The success of a webinar depends greatly on your skills as an orator. Just as if you were on a real stage, your charisma counts. If you speak monotonously, mumble, do not smile and are not engaging, you are giving yourself every chance of failing with your webinar. A well-enunciated message is easier to take on board. Don’t forget to interact with your audience to stimulate the participants’ interest and engagement right to the end of the webinar. When you have finished your presentation, allow for some discussion time to answer any questions.
Error 7: Not following up
Your work is not over when the webinar is finished. To qualify your leads, you still have to follow them up. Start by thanking the participants and asking them for feedback on the webinar as a whole. This will allow you to identify areas you can improve in the future. Making contact after the webinar also allows you to distinguish participants who were fully engaged from those who were less so. This last step helps you convert leads into potential customers. As you can see, missing out this last step cancels out all the benefits of your webinar.