How to manage documents?

Annotating a document

Displaying/hiding the annotation toolbar

Open/close the content

Move your mouse over the table and select the button Show annotation toolbar on the bottom corner of your table.

nb : This toolbar is only available when sharing a document.

Changing the display mode

Open/close the content

Select the preferred display mode in the tools-bar at the bottom of your screen:

  • By default, the Display bubbles mode is chosen
  • Enlarge content
  • Fullscreen content

Annotating a document

Open/close the content

Select/unselect your preferred annotation tool (highlight, underline, strikeout…) and the colour of your choice on the right.

Click on the content to start annotating it.

Glowbl Annoter un document

Downloading a document

Open/close the content

Move your mouse over the table and click on the three dots in the bottom right hand corner of it.

When download is authorized, you can retrieve the original version or the annotated pdf version.