Use case
Remotely training collaborators, clients or sponsors to use a new software
Easily train groups in an online multi-table space without having to control their computer remotely. Switch between group work times and individual projects while maintaining a global view of the group.

Setting up a classroom
Customise the space
Create a new space with the template called “Virtual class” and name it. Customise your space with your company’s or training’s name in order to recreate a familiar environment. Add your logo, change the background and add a description to your space to inform your participants about its purpose.
Preparing the main table
You can use the central table as a plenary meeting point where one may give vertical speeches. On this table, you can also drop the presentation support or other types of content that your speech can rely on. You can use it as a reporting table too, where at the end of your session you can gather your participants to restitute on the workshops or exercises completed in the sub-tables.
Preparing the sub-tables
Use sub-tables to create individual or group project times. Each table can become one trainee’s own desk. You can customise the subtables by assigning each one to a trainee beforehand. Log into your space before the session starts, and enter the trainee’s name as the title of the table.
You also have the possibility to prepare exercises on each table by creating a collaborative note that reads the instructions.
Managing the levels of rights
In order to ensure the good execution of the virtual class, the facilitator can manage different levels of rights and roles for the participants. For example, to make sure the facilitator won’t be interrupted during the class, or to block the handling of the content, the facilitator can restrict the rights to “Enable raise hand to ask for sharing video and audio” or “Allow participants to only share their video and audio”. However, the facilitator can enable the highest rights level on all tables so the students can work and collaborate independently.
To limit the “whisperings”, the facilitator also has the possibility to enable/disable the live and private chats.
NB: The rights level can be applied individually on each table or on every table of the space. The facilitator can also manage them in real time, according to their needs.
Facilitating the training session
Invite your participants to your Glowbl space (up to 8 participants) and gather them around the main table to welcome them. Once the first part of your session is over (lecture), invite your participants to each join a table. According to the instructions, each trainee will share their screen on the table and complete their exercise on the chosen software. The trainer can then go from one table to another to follow up on the trainee’s progression.
If needed, the participants can also reach out to the trainer by sending a private chat so he/she can join the table.
Throughout the session, the trainer can also use the Public Announcement Tool to send a new instruction and have it displayed on the trainee’s screen, regardless of the table they are on.
At the end of the session, everyone can meet at the main table to recap or restitute the different exercises and results, it’s also a great occasion for the trainer to open one or several polls to check on the acquired skills.

? How to communicate during a session?
- Communicating with the other participants
- Sending messages
- Editing your digital business card
- Configuring your equipment
? How to customise a space?
- Customising a space
- Customising a table
- Adding a Glowbl space in Teams
- Adding a virtual background to a webcam
⚙️ How to manage your account?
- Managing your spaces
- Managing your account
- Linking spaces
- Duplicating a space
- Exporting attendance times