How to prepare for a session?

Managing the rights and roles of the participants

Accessing the parameters for the rights

Open/close the content

Click on the Facilitation tool button at the bottom right hand corner of your screen.

Thenk click on Rights at the top of the window.

Managing the rights of the participants

Open/close the content

Select the prefered level of rights you want to grant your participants. Select where you’d like to apply the rights on (this table only or all tables), then click on Save

The edits will be applied in real time in your space.

Allowing/deactivating private chat

Open/close the content
  1. Hover your mouse over the space name then click on Enable features.
  2. Click on the on/off icon next to Enable private discussions.

Allowing/deactivating reactions on bubbles (emojis)

Open/close the content
  1. Hover your mouse over the space name then click on Enable features.
  2. Click on the on/off icon next to Enable reactions on bubbles.