How to facilitate a session?

Creating a collaborative note template

1. Creating a collaborative note template

Open/close the content
  1. Hover the table with your mouse.
  2. Click on Project new content.
  3. Select collaborative note
  4. Click on … bottom right then click on “save as a template”.
    Your collaborative note is saved as a template.
  5. You will find all your collaborative notes templates in the “collaborative note” menu. Click on “From a personal template”

Remarque : Templates are saved and available in the collaborative note library

Projecting Glowbl templates and games

Open/close the content
  1. In your space, hover your table with your mouse.
  2. Click on Project new content then select Templates and Games.
  3. Click on Use a Glowbl template then select a template.

Accessing space customisation

Open/close the content

From your space, move your mouse over the name of it then click on Customise your space in the pop-up.

nb : Only the space administrator can acces to these settings.

Creating a new sequence

Open/close the content
  1. In the Sequence tab, click on Create a new sequence for the space and give it a title.
  2. Enter the name of your first step then set a period (optional).
  3. Add as many steps as you want by clicking on Add a step.
  4. When your sequence is ready, click on Broadcast the sequence on the whole space or on Save.
  5. Chose one of the two options:

– Sequences of this space: to share the sequence with other space facilitators,
– Personal sequences: to use the sequence in any of your spaces.

  1. Click on Save.