How to manage your account?

Managing your account

Accessing the editing page

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Click on your profile picture at the top right hand corner of your screen, then click on Edit your profile.

Editing your profile picture

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In order to change your profile picuture:

  • Click on Change photo then upload a photo from your computer by clicking on Browse.
  • You can also take a picture by choosing Use camera. Once your picture is uploaded or taken, crop it as prefered and click on Validate.

Editing your information

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Write your information in the following fields then click on Save at the bottom of the page.

GLOWBL Modifier ses informations

Changing your password

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Click on the menu  at the top left hand corner of your screen, then on  My account then on Security.

Click on Password, type in the information and click on Save.

Deleting your account

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Click on the menu at the top left hand corner of your screen, then on  My account then on Preferences.

Click on Delete my account, type in your password and click on Save.